How to identify the quality of the Heavy Duty Connector?

Heavy duty connectors are very, very widely used in the industry, so there are many heavy duty connectors on the market, so how should we distinguish between them? Let's take a look at it!

1. Pay attention to the manufacturer's brand. Well-known manufacturers are generally medium-sized enterprises. These manufacturers will generally conscientiously implement national regulations, product quality will have a certain guarantee.

2. Pay attention to the certificate provided by the manufacturer. The safety certificate of the product shall include the name, address and telephone number of the manufacturer. China also has regulations on rated current. There are three levels. If you have the above standard certificate, you can rest assured that the quality of the product.

3, product specifications, after obtaining the manufacturer's certificate, select the main specifications of the corresponding products, and select the matching voltage and current. Here, the rated current from large to small are plugs, power cords, mobile phone sockets, electrical appliances. Don't get confused.

4. Pay attention to the plug. The standard for plugs in our country is flat, two-stage or two-stage ground plugs. If the plug is round, it should not be purchased.