Therefore, in order to improve the power supply reliability of Lightning protection hardware, multiple parallel groove clamps are often used in the field.

Due to the creep of the wire, the wire is slightly tapered, the diameter is reduced, the effective contact area is reduced, and the resistance of the groove clamp is increased. The reduction of the effective contact surface of the Lightning protection hardware is mainly due to the reduction of the wire pressure and the increased oxidation of the contact surface.

Therefore, in order to improve the power supply reliability of Lightning protection hardware, multiple parallel groove clamps are often used in the field.

Therefore, we usually think that Lightning protection hardware contact is only point-to-point contact, and Lightning protection hardware is pierced into the wire by the blade, just like a finger is inserted into the water. According to the relevant literature, the contact area is larger than that of the groove clamp. More than 1 time. Moreover, Lightning protection hardware has the advantages of easy installation and high reliability.

The wire pierced by Lightning protection hardware shall be such that the breaking force is not less than 95% of the breaking force of the original wire. The wire cannot lose its mechanical properties due to puncture.
